The large mammals are what most people are interested in and we had lots of individual sightings, though not many large groups. The pure size, bizarre colors and shapes and unlikely grace of these creatures is truly awe-inspiring. In several cases we were able to quietly watch for quite awhile and got a real sense of their movements and interactions. Many had babies with them and the parental tenderness and watchfulness was touching, driving home how vulnerable the little ones are to mishaps and predators.
In the second of the giraffe photos you can see the injured rear right ankle. There is a wire snare still attached to the animal. The giraffes, as well as the elephants and lions regularly cross the Luangwa River to a Game Management Area on the eastern side. Here animals can be, and are, hunted and trapped. We were the first to observe this injury, reported it to our guide who assured us he would contact the veterinarian of a conservation group. They will locate the animal, dart it and remove the snare.